Doctrinal Stand

  • We stand upon the King James Bible (Authorized Version of 1611) as God’s preserved, inerrant word, and as our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

  • We believe there is one God and that He exists in three persons: God the Father, of whom are all things; God the Son, by whom are all things; and God the Holy Ghost.

  • We believe that man is, by nature and choice, a sinner and, thus, separated from God.

  • We believe that God the Son, the LORD Jesus Christ, left the glory of heaven to be born of a virgin through the power of the Holy Ghost. He walked among men and was in all points tempted, as we are…yet He never sinned. He was crucified and was buried, and rose again from the dead the third day in order to redeem sinful man by taking his place.

  • We believe that salvation is dependent upon man’s repentance toward God and his belief on the LORD Jesus Christ alone, absent of works, baptism, “sacraments,” or any other of man’s traditions.

  • We believe in a literal, everlasting, burning hell, which is the end of all who reject the free gift of salvation in the LORD Jesus Christ.

  • We believe in the eternal security of the truly born-again believer.

    We believe that before the seven year tribulation and the literal thousand year reign of Jesus Christ, spoken of by the LORD Jesus Christ and the holy prophets in the Old Testament, that the LORD himself will come in the clouds to catch up all true believers to be with Him in heaven.

  • We believe that the local church is the medium through which the LORD works in this present world and that the local church consists of a local assembly of born-again, baptized believers in the LORD Jesus Christ who are sound in doctrine. The local church has Jesus Christ as its head and its pastor as overseer.